西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan has a long tradition of attracting international students.

卫斯理学院成立于1890年,是全国228所文理学院之一. Over 40 programs of study are offered and the student-to-faculty ratio is 11:1. Wesleyan’s faculty and staff offer personal attention from the admissions and financial aid process to life beyond graduation.  In fall of 2023, the College welcomed the largest freshman international cohort in 20 years.   In order to help you understand the services available to international students, 以下是最常见问题的答案.


西弗吉尼亚加拿大28网址有来自36个州和21个国家的1050名学生. We have recently enrolled international students  from the following countries: Australia, 比利时, 巴西, 加拿大, 克罗地亚, 丹麦, 厄瓜多尔, 法国, 香港, 日本, 尼泊尔, 北爱尔兰, 塞尔维亚, 韩国, 西班牙, 英国, 和委内瑞拉.


Wesleyan has an International Student Advisor who assists students with questions about visas and College policies. Each student has an academic advisor to assist with the scheduling of classes and academic program selections. 个人的关注在加拿大28网址经久不衰.


International students can fly to the North Central 西维吉尼亚州 Airport (Clarksburg-Bridgeport – CKB) from Washington D.C. (杜勒斯Int. -援助). Transportation is provided to and from Clarksburg on official college breaks for a minimal fee. 加拿大28网址4岁.距离华盛顿特区5小时车程.C. 和2.距离宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡(Pittsburgh Int) 5小时车程. -坑).

  • 有国际学生组织吗?

    The International Student Organization (ISO) is an active student organization that has members from both the United States and foreign countries. ISO计划文化活动, 校内和校外的社交活动, 休闲之旅, 整个学年的购物旅行和教育旅行. 在过去, international students have given a variety of presentations about their respective countries to elementary school children near the Wesleyan campus.

  • 加拿大28网址为国际学生提供住宿吗?

    Wesleyan is a residential campus and nearly 90 percent of all students live on campus. 在加拿大28网址学习的所有年份都有住房保证. Most residence hall 房间s are double occupancy and many international students live with American students. The College also offers single occupancy units and on-campus suites and apartments. 阿拉丁食品服务提供卫斯理学生各种膳食计划的选择.


The Office of 招生 looks forward to receiving your application and assisting you throughout the college selection process.


  • 入学条件是什么?

    所有国际学生必须完成在线申请. 除了, official high school or secondary school transcripts in English and official test scores must be mailed separately. 如果英语不是主要语言,托福是必需的. If English is the primary language the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or ACT is required. 招生办公室在滚动的基础上做出录取决定.



  • 国际学生可以获得哪些奖学金和经济援助?

    International students can receive scholarships for academics (13000-18000 yearly) and talent awards.  可能会有有限的补助金.  

    艺术人才奖学金, 加拿大28网址, 社区服务, and Esports can all be received by International 学生 and will be added to their aid packages if eligible.

    Academic credentials and financial need determine the amount of the International Student Grant. All international students must be able to pay a minimum of $25,000 each year to enroll at Wesleyan.


  • 卫斯理有开设英语作为第二语言的课程吗?

    西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan places a high value on both written and spoken communication. 学生 from abroad whose native language is not English are expected to demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English sufficient to prepare reading assignments, 完成书面作业, 自由参与课堂讨论. The level of proficiency is normally determined by the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). 学生 whose English language skills are not yet adequate are required to enroll in the College’s English as a Second Language program and continue enrollment either for one semester or one year. The exact length of time will be determined by Wesleyan’s ESL instructional staff.

    International students with a TOEFL IBT score of 100 or above are considered sufficiently proficient to pursue a full course of studies. No ESL instruction is required; however, those desiring additional practice in spoken or written English may consult with the ESL staff and with its approval, 选修某些课程.

    International students with a TOEFL IBT score between 61 and 99 will be evaluated by the ESL instructional staff and may be required to enroll in all or part of the program if their current level of proficiency would hinder class房间 progress.

    International students with a TOEFL IBT score of below 61 will be REQUIRED to enroll in an off-campus summer ESL program prior to enrolling in Wesleyan’s ESL program for the initial semester at the College. 在第一学期结束时, the ESL instructional staff will evaluate students’ progress and determine whether an additional semester of ESL instruction is required.

    学生 required to enroll in English as a Second Language program typically earn six credit hours per semester. A maximum of twelve credit hours of ESL instruction may be applied toward an undergraduate degree; graduate students who are required to take ESL instruction will earn undergraduate credit.

    每门ESL课程通常每周授课三小时. 除了, students meet with student tutors who assist in English language instruction and other academic work. Because of the intensive nature of the program and the small size of classes, 除了常规学费外,每学时还有200美元的费用.

What are the costs for an international student to attend 西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan?



学费 32648
住房(平均)* 7204
食物(无限套餐) 5784
总学费/室/板 45636
学生活动费 100
技术费 344
一般费用 998
直接成本总额 47078

*this 房间 costs shows the average of all available 房间s at WVWC for all students.  标准间的费用是5英镑,526交学费, 房间, 董事会, 标准住房学生的费用 $45,400.

国际保险:  $1,700


除了, 学生将需要大约4美元,每年5000美元的书费, 旅行, 个人开支.

Note: The International Student Insurance fee is the same whether the student is coming for a semester or a full year.

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